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网址:www.tongfengguan.net.cn  2021-11-15  作者:admin    阅读:

The air duct is divided into metal, non-metallic and composite material according to the material. The quality of the plate, profile and other main finished materials used in the air duct production directly affects the overall quality of the ventilation duct. Therefore, the appearance and factory inspection certificate shall be carefully checked in accordance with the design and relevant national product standards.
Common materials for metal air duct processing.
In the ventilation and air conditioning engineering, the main materials commonly used are plate and section steel; the commonly used auxiliary materials are padding, bolts and nuts, rivets; the consumables are oxygen, acetylene, saw blade, welding rod, etc.
首先,我们来学习金属风管主材,板材。钢制闸门 钢坝 保定轻钢别墅 保定平面设计培训 保定室内设计培训 保定办公家具 保定空调维修 在金属风管的加工中,金属板材可以分为普通薄钢板、镀锌薄钢板、铝及铝合金板、不锈钢板、塑料复合钢板等。下面通过的对比认识每一种钢板的特点:
First of all, let's learn the main material of metal air duct, plate. In the processing of metal air duct, metal sheet can be divided into ordinary steel sheet, galvanized steel sheet, aluminum and aluminum alloy plate, stainless steel plate, plastic composite steel plate, etc. The characteristics of each kind of steel plate are recognized by comparison below:
1. Ordinary thin steel plate - thickness 0.5-2.0 mm, cheap, easy to process and rust
2. Galvanized steel sheet - thickness 0.25-2.0mm, good corrosion resistance
3. Aluminum and aluminum alloy plate - corrosion resistant, easy to process, commonly used in explosion-proof system

