管道的资料和具体的规划风格都是需求了解清楚,在矿区或者是其他场所都是需求正常的来运用的。 The information and specific planning style of the pip...
通风风管安装时应注意的问题是: During the installation of ventilation duct, attention shall be paid to the followi...
通风管道安装 Ventilation duct installation 通风管道的安装大致上分为三步:风管组装、风管就位以及风管调直。 The installation of ventilat...
通风管道与附件的制作及安装 Manufacture and installation of ventilation pipe and accessories 1、在第一道密闭阀门至工程口部的管道与...
消防排烟风机安装 Installation of fire smoke exhaust fan 1、消防排烟风机安装前应详细检查风机各部件,联接件是否有损伤、松动等现象,若有则及时更换或修正,特别...
螺杆式空压机检修前后注意哪些事情? What should we pay attention to before and after the maintenance of screw air com...
通风系统试验应符合下列规定: The ventilation system test shall meet the following requirements: 1、防毒密闭管路及密闭阀门的气密...